Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Family Caregivers Project


Mike worked with Dr. Katherine Kortes-Miller from the Centre for Education and Research on Aging & Health (CERAH) at Lakehead University, to create digital stories with family caregivers of someone who chose Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). The two workshops were hosted online and included participants from across the country. It took incredible courage and emotional fortitude for these caregivers to tell stories about some of the most difficult moments of their lives, and Mike was supported by DST Facilitators Krystle Schoefield Maureen Leier (from Common Language DST) and Sadie Mallon and Keri-Lynn Durant from Lakehead University. The stories and the associated Podcast episodes with Mike, the facilitators, and all the storytellers can be found using the link below.


Jasper Municipality Newcomer Story Project