Survive & Thrive Cancer Programs
Survive & Thrive Cancer Programs was founded by Mike in 2009 after his own cancer diagnosis at 25 years old. For the next 10 years Survive & Thrive used adventure expeditions, films, experiential workshops and retreats to encourage and inspire young adults touched by cancer to live well. In that time Mike facilitated over 8,000 hours of expeditions, retreats, film screenings, and support programs all over North America with thousands of young adult cancer survivors in their 20’s and 30’s. At the end of 2019, Mike resigned as Executive Director of Survive & Thrive and the decision was made by the board of directors to wind up the organization. Those thousands of hours spent sharing stories and adventures with other young adults formed Mike into who he is today and he is eternally grateful for the laughter and wisdom he shared with so many incredible people. Fortunately, some of those great people and experiences are captured on camera in the various films Mike has made over the years and you can view those films by CLICKING HERE.