PhD Thesis Serialization: Emerging Horizons, Part Three. (2022)
This third installment of the Emerging Horizons series explores Kelsey’s digital storytelling (DST) experience (please see the introductory editorial, Crafting Meaning, Cultivating Understanding, to access the documentary film on which the series is based). In addition to providing a compelling exploration of a relatively common occurrence of Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer survivors, delayed diagnosis, Kelsey’s involvement in the film illustrated the potential for DST to help participants explore, name, and represent their inner emotional experience. Her storyline illuminated how difficult it can be for AYAs to both understand their “true feelings” and share them with others in a way that moves beyond a surface level, “hashtag” description of emotion (e.g., #sad). I (Lang) conclude by discussing how the three primary modes of narrative engagement in the DST process (external, internal, and reflexive) could help AYAs cultivate a deeper understanding of their emotional cancer experiences, and in doing so, break cancer’s grasp on their life, by grasping it instead.
Lang, M.J., & Laing, C.M. (2022). Emerging Horizons, Part Three. Kelsey’s Story: Breaking Cancer’s Grasp. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics. doi:10.11575/jah.v2022i2022.75368