Valleys (2013) – Webseries

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Mike’s third collaboration with Hands On Films was the 6 episode web series “Valleys”. This was filmed on one of the expeditions with young adult cancer survivors that Mike facilitated with the charity he founded Survive & Thrive Cancer Programs (2010-2020).

Synopsis: Valleys follows Amy, a young cancer survivor and her best friend Annie as they raft the Grand Canyon and explore what it means to live with, through, and beyond cancer. Along with the spectacular scenery and heart stopping rapids, the documentary shares candid insights into the lives of both cancer survivors and their friends and family highlighting the unique challenges that cancer brings into everyone's lives. By showing the cancer experience from different perspectives, Valleys aims to help everyone touched by cancer to better understand each other leading to open and honest communication with the people we love.

Directed & Produced by: Mike Lang
Funded by: The Lazarex Cancer Foundation - &
Chasing Rainbows Cancer Advocacy -
Edited & Filmed by: Hands On Films -


How to Win a Tickle Fight (2016) – Documentary


Ebb & Flow (2011) – Short Film